How to Create a Custom Picture Using ChatGPT Prompt

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that can generate text, images, videos, and more based on your prompts. In this blog post, we will show you how to create a custom picture using ChatGPT prompt in a few easy steps.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, which is one of the most advanced natural language processing models in the world. ChatGPT can understand and communicate fluently in various languages, such as English, 中文, 日本語, Español, Français, Deutsch, and others. ChatGPT can also generate creative and innovative content, such as poems, stories, code, essays, songs, celebrity parodies, and more, using its own words and knowledge.

How to Use ChatGPT?

To use ChatGPT, you need to sign up for a ChatGPT Plus subscription, which gives you access to various features and plugins that enhance your chat experience. You can sign up for ChatGPT Plus here. Once you have a ChatGPT Plus account, you can log in to and start chatting with ChatGPT.

How to Create a Custom Picture Using ChatGPT Prompt?

One of the most amazing features of ChatGPT is its ability to generate images based on your prompts. You can use ChatGPT to create custom pictures for your blog posts, social media posts, presentations, or any other purpose. Here are the steps to create a custom picture using ChatGPT prompt:

Step 1: Choose a Plugin

ChatGPT has several plugins that allow it to interface with different tools and generate images in various styles and quality. Some of the popular plugins are:

  • Argil AI: This plugin allows ChatGPT to create photorealistic images using a state-of-the-art AI image synthesis tool called Argil. You can use this plugin to create realistic images of landscapes, animals, objects, people, and more.
  • Photorealistic: This plugin allows ChatGPT to create photorealistic images using a powerful AI image generation tool called Photorealistic. You can use this plugin to create realistic images of scenes, characters, concepts, and more.
  • DALL-E 3: This plugin allows ChatGPT to create images using a cutting-edge AI image generation tool called DALL-E 3, which is based on OpenAI’s DALL-E model. You can use this plugin to create images of anything you can imagine, such as surreal, abstract, or humorous images.

To choose a plugin, you need to type the name of the plugin in the chat window, followed by a colon. For example, if you want to use the Argil AI plugin, you need to type Argil AI: in the chat window.

Step 2: Enter a Prompt

After choosing a plugin, you need to enter a prompt for the image you want to create. A prompt is a descriptive text that tells ChatGPT what kind of image you want to generate. You can be as specific or as vague as you want, but the more details you provide, the better the results will be. For example, if you want to create an image of a dragon, you can enter a prompt like this:

A dragon with red scales, yellow eyes, and a long tail, flying over a mountain range.

Step 3: Wait for the Image

Once you enter a prompt, ChatGPT will process your request and generate an image based on your prompt. Depending on the complexity of your prompt and the plugin you chose, it might take a few seconds or a few minutes for the image to appear. You can see the progress of your request in the chat window. Once the image is ready, ChatGPT will give you a link that you can click to see your generated image. You can also download the image to your device or share it with others.

Tips for Creating the Best Images Using ChatGPT Prompt

Here are some tips to help you create the best images using ChatGPT prompt:

  • Experiment with different plugins and prompts to find the one that suits your needs and preferences. Each plugin has its own strengths and limitations, and each prompt can produce different results.
  • Use clear and concise language to describe your image. Avoid using ambiguous or confusing words or phrases that might confuse ChatGPT or lead to unwanted results.
  • Use keywords, hashtags, or categories to specify the style, genre, or theme of your image. For example, if you want to create a fantasy image, you can use keywords like #fantasy#magic, or #medieval in your prompt.
  • Use examples or references to guide ChatGPT to create the image you want. You can use the name of a famous artist, a popular movie, a well-known book, or any other source of inspiration in your prompt. For example, if you want to create an image in the style of Vincent van Gogh, you can use his name in your prompt like this:

A starry night in the style of Vincent van Gogh.

  • Use seeds to control the randomness and diversity of your images. Seeds are numbers that influence how ChatGPT generates images. You can use different seeds to create different variations of the same prompt. To use seeds, you need to add them to your prompt using the following format:

{prompt}, seed={number}

For example, if you want to create an image of a cat with different seeds, you can use prompts like this:

A cat, seed=1 A cat, seed=2 A cat, seed=3

Copy this prompt 👇👇👇

Young teen boy in a black shirt sitting casually on a Wingback Chair. Wearing sneakers, a black cap, and sunglasses, he looks ahead. The background features ” ZEE EDITOR” in big and capital white fonts on the black wall. There should not be his shadow, and there are wings to make it appear as if he is an angel, 3d


ChatGPT is an amazing AI chatbot that can generate images based on your prompts. You can use ChatGPT to create custom pictures for your blog posts, social media posts, presentations, or any other purpose. All you need to do is choose a plugin, enter a prompt, and wait for the image. You can also use tips and tricks to create the best images using ChatGPT prompt. We hope this blog post has helped you learn how to create a custom picture using ChatGPT prompt. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy chatting!

5 Comments on “How to Create a Custom Picture Using ChatGPT Prompt”

  1. young teen boy in a black Shirt sitting casual/yona wingback chair wearing sneakers a black cap and sunglasses he looks anead The background
    features”zee “in big and capital the background the black wall there should
    Not be his shadow are wings to make
    it appear as if he is an angel 3d

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